About Us… Really Hot Oh.. Hotter Hottest in the freaking world!
Wildfire Chilli is a Western Australian owned and based online hot chilli company. We grow our own super hot chillis both to sell and make our great and amazingly hot and tasty chilli sauces.
We are based solely online apart from attending the “World Famous” Araluen’s Fremantle Chilli Festival and other events each year. To find out more visit our Facebook page for regular updates.
Our Products…
Wildfire Chilli stocks some of the hottest chilli seeds, chilli plants, fresh and dried chilli pods, sauces, snacks and other products as well as many interesting and weird chillies. All of the Heatseekers Chilli brand products and sauces are naturally hot and contain no extracts or “fake” flavourings. The smokey taste in our Smokey Jolokia sauces come from real chipotles (smoked Jalapenos and not the inferior liquid smoke product).
Fresh chillies are grown locally at an organic farm for us and sold to W.A customers only (due to quarantine restrictions), when in season and we have a surplus. Our pickled products and superhot purees are made from these chillies and in time will replace all of our imported dried chilli products with the organically grown ones which have been dehydrated at 60 degrees and packaged in heat sealed bags. You will be able to buy these off our website as well as at the markets.
Purity of Chilli Seeds
With our chilli seeds we have very good germination rates (however superhots are known to be harder to grow than the normal ones) and excellent plant characteristics and purity. We go to great lengths of isolating all of our plants and keeping them pure. All of the seeds collected are from only isolated, ripe, large pods so you know that you will get an excellent looking plant that produces great pods.
By sourcing some of our more common seeds from a couple of reliable large seed companies it allows us to pass on the savings and charge very reasonable prices. When we are out of stock of our own seeds we will supply seed from other companies that share our same belief in isolation and quality. This can be useful in our “off” season as it allows us to buy the freshest seed from overseas to be used for our upcoming season which allows quick and excellent germination. Chillies require a very large distance between each variety and therefore cannot be grown together (if you want to save seed) otherwise they can cross pollinate and produce unwanted varieties which is why isolation is required. When buying seeds you need to ask the seller what they are doing to prevent cross pollination. Wildfire Chilli is always on the lookout for the new super hots and will find and grow them in isolation for pure seed for our customers.
Super Hot Chilli Plants …
Super hot chilli plants are also available in 10cm square pots, from around October onwards (for W.A residents) and include the superhot chillies such as the Carolina Reaper Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Chilli), Moruga Scorpion, 7 Pot and Trinidad Scorpion as well as the quirky Peter Pepper. We also sell larger plants around February onwards and at the Fremantle Chilli Festival.
Wholesale & Bulk…
If you are interested in any of Wildfire Chilli or Heatseekers Chilli products in bulk quantities or for wholesale please do not hesitate to contact us either by email- sales@wildfirechilli.com.au or sales@heatseekerschilli.com.au or by phone – 0457 917 920.
Our History

We too have added some new products to the range and plan to continue doing so in the future. We are trying to maintain the reputation of having the hottest sauces around!
But… Having said that we are also attempting to add some products that “mere mortals” can enjoy too. 🙂
We are continuing to grow super hot and interesting chilli plants to sell as they are such an important part of what we do, and we are looking for a few small nurseries to carry our products.

In May 2014 Stuart Peterson bought the company and continued the high standards set down by the Wildfires creater Candice. In this time he increased the product range, creating our “Carpe Demon” from pure Carolia Reaper. Possibly still our hottest sauce.

Wildfire Chilli was the sole creation of Candice Burns with the encouragement and support of her husband Adam. Wildfire has been running since 2009, it began with selling chilli seeds and plants at the Araluen Chilli Festival and also on Wildfire Chilli’s online store. It then grew to specialising in the superhot chillies we all love. In 2009, after many years of research and acquiring health department certification, Candice started making her own chilli sauces with the very first one, Smokey Jolokia Original, now a multiple International award winning hot chilli Steak sauce. Heatseekers Chilli is a new company name that was then given to all of the chilli sauce and chilli food products that Wildfire Chilli produces and packages.