7 Pot Brain Strain (Red) Chilli Seeds

7 Pot Brain Strain

7 Pot Brain Strain (Red) Chilli Seeds


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The 7 Pot Brain Strain is even hotter than a ghost pepper, at around 1.2mil SHUs. These have been cultivated with a gnarly, bumpy surface. These seeds are very easy to grow for a superhot.

20 Capsicum Chinense seeds per pack


The 7 Pot Brain Strain is hotter than a ghost pepper, at around 1.2mil SHUs. 7 Pots are named because apparently one chilli is enough to heat 7 pots of stew! These have been cultivated with a gnarly, bumpy surface, said to resemble the surface of the human brain! These seeds are also very easy to grow for a superhot.

Check out our blog for advice on growing chillies from seed.

20 capsicum chinense seeds per pack

Additional information

Weight 2 g
Dimensions 5 × 3 × 0.6 cm


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